Name and purpose
The League shall be called the Hitchin Darts League and shall organise a League competition between the dart teams of Hitchin and the surrounding area.
Membership shall be open to all dart teams in the catchment area.
The procedure for applying for membership is as follows:
Applications made after the A.G.M. may be accepted at the Committee’s discretion.
New clubs shall start in the lowest division.
General Meetings
An Annual General Meeting shall be held soon after the end of the season – usually in July.
Extraordinary General Meetings may also be called at any time by the Committee or at the request of three or more clubs.
Notice of the A.G.M. shall be sent in writing to all member clubs at least three weeks in advance.
Member clubs will be asked to submit any proposals that are to be discussed at the A.G.M. These proposals shall be sent to the League Secretary to arrive by a date specified in the notice of the A.G.M.
An Agenda setting out any such proposals shall be sent in writing to each member club as soon as possible after the above deadline.
Items not on the Agenda may be taken at the discretion of the Chairman but may not include any proposals for altering the Constitution or Rules.
Each member club shall have one spokesman and one vote only at an A.G.M. Clubs not able to send a representative may submit their views and votes in writing in advance of the A.G.M. to the League Secretary so as to reach him/her no later than 48 hours before the A.G.M. is due to begin.
Teams shall not have a vote at the A.G.M. until they have played at least one season in the League immediately prior to the A.G.M.
The Officers of the Committee shall be elected at the A.G.M. They shall consist of a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and an agreed number of players and landlords/landladies from member teams. In the event of a vacancy occurring during the course of a season the Committee shall have the power to co-opt.
Seven members shall constitute a quorum and the Chairman shall have the casting vote.
Rules and Administration
The Rules of the League shall be decided by a General Meeting.
Administration and interpretation of the Constitution and Rules shall be by Committee.
The Committee shall have the power to decide on all matters that are not specifically provided for in the League Rules.
At the AGM on Wednesday 22nd July 2009 it was agreed that the League would change its name to: THE HITCHIN DARTS SINGLES LEAGUE The purpose of this change was to retain the ‘singles’ format of the games.
At an EGM held on Monday 4th August 2014 it was agreed that the League would
The purpose of this change was to allow a mix of ‘singles’ & ‘doubles’ games to be played in
the League format
At the EGM of 4th August 2014 it was agreed that the League would be based on one
division, to ‘split’ into two divisions mid-way through the season, meaning that New
Clubs would NOT be required to start in the lowest division.
At the AGM held on Monday 27th September 2021 it was agreed that as only 6 teams had entered the League there would be only 1 Division, and teams would play each other 4 times during the League season.